We plant a seedling for every tree we harvest
We have the capacity to sustainably harvest around two million cubic metres of plantation timber from our forests every year. It might sound like a lot but it’s less than you think.
Each year only two percent of our Araucaria plantations are harvested (two in 100 of all our Araucaria trees) and just three percent of our Southern Pine (three out of every 100). Harvesting typically occurs between the ages of 25 to 30 years for Southern Pines and 40 to 50 years for Araucaria.
Every tree harvested is replanted to ensure a continuous cycle of growth and a steady supply of locally-grown timber to our customers to keep up with Aussie demand for wood products.
Did you know that even after trees are harvested the carbon they absorbed remains captured in the soil as well as in the finished product for up to 100 years?
Our foresters study the land before harvest to understand:
- the topography of the site
- the location of drainage lines and important water features
- the location of the native forest buffers and known wildlife corridors that often weave throughout our plantations
- how neighbours and other forest users might be impacted by harvesting
- if there are any culturally significant areas within or near the planned harvest site.
Our foresters carefully plan to minimise the environmental and social impacts of our harvest operations, in order to leave each site in the same or better condition for future generations.
Most harvesting operations are fully mechanised and provide highly productive and safe work environments. The key harvesting systems fall broadly into two categories – ground-based harvesting and cable or shovel harvesting.
Ground-based harvest systems are the predominant systems used in our operations and utilise modern, purpose-built and designed low ground pressure harvesting machinery and integrated harvesting systems that minimise site disturbance and maximise operational flexibility during wet conditions.
Cable or shovel harvest systems utilise specialised excavator-mounted equipment and are used on sites too steep or inaccessible for standard ground-based systems.
Our contract partners are committed to minimising their footprint on the plantation land they are harvesting and work under strict environmental and safety guidelines. They operate state-of-the-art harvest machinery to safely fell our trees and optimise the timber we cut, minimising waste and ensuring a quality product for our customers.
Managing the safety of our harvest sites is paramount. While we are happy to share out forests with our communities, please comply with our worksite signage to ensure our staff, contractors and communities remain safe.