Making some of Australia's most sustainable products
Our customers take pride in the fact that their timber is sourced from our local, sustainably managed and certified plantations.
Many of our customers are regionally based, close to the plantations from which their timber is sourced, and make a significant contribution to their local economies, providing important employment opportunities for their communities.
Our customers process our responsibly harvested timber into a variety of products for everyday use in home construction and business, including structural timber for housing and commercial construction, appearance-grade timber (for flooring, walls, ceilings, window frames skirting boards, furniture and fine turnery joinery), veneers, plywood, landscaping and fencing, specialty products like musical instruments and even food-grade products like bee boxes.
We also export timber that is surplus to our current domestic customers needs, often where a salvage operation is required following a natural disaster or where a plantation is remote from our existing customer base.
See our interactive map below for the locations and details of some of the sustainable and internationally-competitive customers who use our timber.
Where some of our customers are located
- Map tools
How to use this map
- You can search for our customers by typing a nearby place or address into the search bar, or by just zooming in and out.
- You can also see our plantation forests on this map and how close our customers are to the plantation forests where they source their timber.
- If you are using a GPS-enabled device, you can also zoom straight in to your current location by selecting the circle on the left under the home icon.
- Click on any customer icon for more information about a particular customer, their contribution to regional employment and a link to their website.
- You can also see the locations of our offices on this map. To make these appear, click on the three layered squares in the very top right hand corner and select the features you would like to see.
- To see the legend for these new layers on the map, click on the three geometric dots on top of each other near the top right hand corner of the map, beside the layers.